The world of microprocessors can be divided into two parts- complex instruction set computing using CISC processors and reduced instruction set computing using RISC processors. Both seek to improve the performance of a processor in terms of speed of execution, silicon area covered and power dissipated, but using different approaches.
Earlier processor's instruction set architecture contains simple instructions like an addition of two operands. As the processors became more complex, so did their ISA. New instructions were added which were equivalent to multiple simple instructions. Current CISC microprocessors may contain over 300 instructions. Generating control signals for these instructions require equally complex control logic, having large propagation delay. This put the upper limit on the maximum frequency of the clock.
These limitations led designers to eliminate some rarely used instructions. According to them, the propagation delay within the processor would allow it to run at a higher frequency, thus performing each instruction more quickly.
However, in this alternative design tradeoff exists. Complex instructions in RISC are implemented by multiple simple instructions which take greater memory.
Differences between RISC and CISC processor
Which one is better- CISC or RISC?
Earlier researchers believed that RISC processors will ultimately replace CISC in future. Some said that both of them will co-exist. However, today's modern chip families like PowerPC microprocessors draw some features from RISC methodology and others from CISC, making them a hybrid of RISC and CISC.
These limitations led designers to eliminate some rarely used instructions. According to them, the propagation delay within the processor would allow it to run at a higher frequency, thus performing each instruction more quickly.
However, in this alternative design tradeoff exists. Complex instructions in RISC are implemented by multiple simple instructions which take greater memory.
- RISC processor has fewer and simpler instructions than CISC
- Instructions are of fixed length in RISC. In CISC they are of variable length, making its instruction decoder more complex.
- RISC processors have less number of addressing modes than CISC
- Control unit of RISC is less complex and easier to design than that of CISC processor. So, the silicon area covered by the control logic of RISC processor is less than that of CISC. The area saved in RISC is used for registers and other components.
So, features of both CISC and RISC are present in today's chips and there is no right answer to the question regarding which one of them is better.